Sunday, April 10, 2011

Time! What does God want us to do with our Time?

This past weeks I had two situations that cam about and both involved time. Both were misunderstandings and I handled both incredibly well as it would have been easy not to. The first was a case of mistaken pick up time at the gym and when I went and saw Lizzy had been sitting in the lobby for 25 min waiting for me and no one had called I was very upset. I could have easily went straight to the source and showed all of my upset and angry emotions but instead I decided to go home and cool off before I approached anyone on the subject. After a while of thought I wrote an email saying I would have liked if someone called and I got a very nice apology explaining the misunderstanding back. The second incident was with practice at the church on Wednesday night for the kids we got an email on Tuesday about time being 7pm then at 4:30 wed I got a facebook saying 6:30 I was quite upset and had an angry reply all typed out ready to send and decided not to worry about it to just have my kids at the church and be glad I wasn't late if I was early. and I am glad that I didn't reply because 15 min later came a reply that they were mistaken and it was 7.

So why do I tell these stories about time? In these cases I took the time to thing about what I was going to do or say in a situation and no one got hurt or offended by an angry outburst. Time is important because God only gives us so much of it to use. So what does God want us to use our time doing? This has been a struggle with me because I like doing things for me I will admit it. I am working on a Bible study right now on purpose and one thing I have learned is that God wants us to be our best FOR him. In every thing we do! There are things that need to be done every day but what you do with your extra time is what is important. There is time for you do do stuff for you too you just have to watch what it is you are doing if you are for instance spending money you don't have to get a pedicure it's probably not good me time or if you choose to read or watch something that may not be pleasing to God that most likely wouldn't be good either. 

You see I say these things from experience I have begged my husband to take me out when we didn't have money in the past just because it would make me happy and that is a selfish use of his time. Looking back a better alternative would be a trip to a park to talk a walk together or a night in with home made diner and a video. So as I am taking this jaunt towards knowing God's purpose time is one area I would like to work on. What are some ways you can see someone like me using their free time to glorify God? 

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